Linemen nabbed for stealing MORE Power cables

Three linemen will face multiple charges after they were caught red-handed by MORE Power selling stolen electrical cables to a junk shop.

The suspects, identified as Leo Dela Cruz, Mark Xyrone Cabansay, and Joseph Mobe (as shown in the picture), are employees of FVE Electrical Services and Supply Corporation, a contractor of MORE Power.

According to the suspects, they loaded three rolls of electrical cables from their barracks in Buntatala, Jaro, into their service truck early this morning (January 25).

They then transported the wires to a junk shop in Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, to sell them.

MORE Power security guards then apprehended the suspects and turned over to the Leganes PNP for booking. They were then transferred to the Jaro Police Station for further investigation.

The stolen three rolls of wires are estimated to be worth at least P50,000.

MORE Power filed a complaint for qualified theft against the suspects, and the police temporarily detained them for an inquest case.

Under the revised penal code as amended by RA 10951, the penalty for qualified theft ranges from prision correccional (6 months and 1 day to 6 years) to prision mayor (6 years and one day to 12 years) depending on the value of the stolen property and the aggravating circumstances.

MORE Power will also file additional complaints against the suspects for violating the Anti-fencing law and a possible breach of the Anti-Pilferage law.

MORE Power has warned its contractors and linemen that stealing materials entrusted to them for the rehabilitation of electrical facilities will not be tolerated.

About Nonoy Taclino

Nonoy Taclino is a pioneer blogger and social media manager in Iloilo, with 15 years of experience under his belt.

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