Department of Health in Western Visayas announced that they are now looking nurses and doctors to augment their workforce in response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
In an advisory posted on Thursday, September 10, DOH Center for Health Development in Western Visayas said that they have job vacancies for Medical Officer III and Nurse I under the Emergency Hiring for COVID-19 response.
For Medical Officer position, applicants must be a licensed Doctor of Medicine. Job functions include conducting of medical diagnosis and treatment of patients, and coordinating patient care with allied medical health team. Basic pay will be Salary Grade 21 or P69,353 monthly.
For Nurses, applicants must be registered nurses. They will provide nursing care services and serve as navigator for patients needing referral. Basic pay will be Salary Grade 15 or P32,053 monthly.
Based on the previous pronouncements of DOH, health workers handling COVID-19 will get more benefits under the Bayanihan 2 Act which is still awaiting the signature of the President.

Once signed, health personnel will be entitled to receive additional compensation and benefits such as P15,000 should they be afflicted as mild or moderate COVID-19 case, life insurance coverage, and be entitled to a mandatory COVID-19 testing every 15 days. Here’s the list of compensation and benefits under the Bayanihan 2 Law:
- Basic pay/month plus 20% premium of basic salary per month
- Transportation and communication allowance
- Hospitalization shouldered by Philhealth
- P100,000 in sickness with severe case due to COVID-19
- P1,000,000 in death due to COVID-19
- P15,000 in sickness with mild or moderate case due to COVID-19 (retroactive)
- P300 PHIC premium per month
- Actual hazard duty pay (for HCW directly catering or in contact with COVID-19; to be given in addition to Hazard Pay from Magna Carta, regardless of quarantine status)
- COVID-19 Special Risk Allowance per month (for HCW directly catering or in contact with COVID-19)
- Life Insurance
- Meals and accommodation, care of hiring facility/CHD
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Mandatory COVID-19 testing every 15 days
Accepted applicants will be deployed to DOH designated COVID referral hospitals, Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities, and private hospitals handling COVID-19 cases.
Minimum period of engagement will be three months, renewable based on the need.
If you are interested and qualified, you may submit application online via this link: Deadline for submission of applications will be on Saturday, September 12, 2020.